Graduation exam at ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy to include two stages
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At Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, this year the graduation exam will take place in two stages: defense of the bachelor's thesis in online format and computer-assisted testing within the University Management Information System (SIMU). A decision in this regard was approved on Thursday, April 22, by members of the Senate.
Silvia Stratulat, head of the Department of Teaching and Academic Management (DTAM), mentioned that the decision was dictated by the epidemiological situation in the country, and the similar experience of last year encouraged intentions in this regard. ”This method of assessment will allow us to comply with the health standards imposed by the authorities, so that the commission examines five students each day”, said the Associate Professor.
According to the DTAM representative, the graduation exams will take place pursuant to the schedules established by the deans of the faculties: between May 17-28 – the online bachelor's thesis defense, May 31-June 4 – computer testing in all study programs. The last stage will occur at the Academic Evaluation Center of the University, in the physical presence of students. At the same time, Silvia Stratulat informed that, by an order of the rector, the chairmen of the commissions for each study program were appointed for both stages of evaluation.
The graduation exam will be organized in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the development and defense of bachelor's theses at Nicolae Testemitanu University and the Methodology for organizing and conducting the graduation exam/bachelor's degree in 2020-2021 academic year, which was approved by the senators at the mentioned meeting. The document provides for the admission to the graduation exam of students who have fully completed the curriculum and have accumulated the established number of credits – 360 for 12 semesters, 300 credits for 10 semesters or 240 – for 8 semesters per year, but also of those who received the grade „admitted” at the pre- defense of the bachelor's thesis within the department / discipline / department, where the research was conducted.
The methodology envisages that computer-assisted testing consists of solving a test containing 100 items. The grade obtained at this assessment stage is irrevocable and cannot be challenged. For the first time, this year, the scientific leaders of the bachelor's theses will not evaluate the graduation papers during the public defense, they will only attend its presentation. However, the Commission will evaluate the bachelor's thesis according to the following criteria: the quality of the research carried out, the drafting and observance of the structuring rules, the bibliography, the oral presentation and the accuracy of the answers to the examiners' questions.
The Rector of the University, Professor Emil Ceban, concluded that this project was discussed at the faculty meetings, and the vice-deans would bring this document to the attention of all graduates. The professor stressed that the pandemic situation could not be an impediment for the successful conduct of the student evaluation process, as a precedent, in this regard, based on the responsibility of all scientific and teaching staff, had been already set.
In 2021, 1000 graduates will complete their studies at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
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